Below you should find all the information you need about everything we have to offer, including some frequently asked questions at the bottom. Should we have missed anything, feel free to send us a message via our contact page, social media profiles, or give us a good old fashioned call on the dog and bone.
Weekly group sessions. Sing, laugh, make friends.
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1-2-1 vocal coaching
Dance Classes, Fitness Sessions, Social Events.
Tuesdays, 7-9pm. Beehive Centre, Manor Avenue, BH12 4LB
Free trial session. £29 per month, no contract. Over 18s.
45 minute sessions in Westbourne, Bournemouth (or online via Zoom).
Single session - £30. Block of 4 - £100
Discount for choir members.
Apply for details!

DO I need to be a brilliant singer?
Nope. All abilities welcome!
WILL I have to sing solo?
Only if you want to!
No pressure.
do I need to be able to dance?
No, but there are opportunities to dance for people who want to!
can I bring my husband / wife / mother / brother?
The more the merrier, all genders, no upper age limit.
do I need to bring anything?
Only if it's your turn to bring the biscuits. And maybe a bottle of water.